1-on-1 Coaching
An Inner Expedition
It's time to shift from a human DOing to a human BEing...
For the past 20 years I’ve been walking alongside souls who are exploring what it means to live a DAREful, embodied life. I’ve witnessed countless ways this transformation can occur when we orient to the adventure of our life this way, and supporting this great rewilding is my life’s work.
This kind of coaching is not about working on ourselves or doing more, but about tending to the weeds of our past trauma and conditioning that choke our connection to this wellspring of wholeness that flows in and around us. Together we’re remembering what it feels like to embody the wisdom of our Soul and practice showing up in relationship with ourselves and each other from this place of authentic connection, love and deeply resourced creativity.

“Having your life intersect with True North Adventures and Jen Whalen will set your trajectory to exactly what it says “true north”. You will never be met with more authenticity, openness and love then the time spent either on a True North retreat or during one on one coaching! If you are ready for fun, commitment and becoming a better you, don’t hesitate!”
Experiment with the adventure of your life
Coaching Agreement
Our 1:1 Coaching Agreement includes 15, 1-hour calls scheduled weekly or bi-monthly over a 6 month period, as well as ongoing energetic support, encouragement and accountability via text, phone, email as needed. The investment for this program is $2,500 and typically paid in full at the beginning.

Support & Commitment
This is a big, strong container to support deep transformation, and although it may be hard to imagine what this kind of support could feel like ahead of time, I hope you’ll read the experiences of some of our past clients for a glimpse into the power/momentum being held in this way can create. A strong container facilitates a powerful commitment to yourSelf and the adventure of your life, and I am confident we will co-create exceptional value for you throughout our time together.

Get Curious About Life
This journey is lovingly designed for those who are willing to risk letting go of what they know in order to make room for what is still yet to be. It begins by setting aside time to connect and experience a taste of what working together at this level might look like. You can set up a free exploration call by filing out the form below. No hassle, no strings attached, just a clear invitation to play.

1-On-1 with Jen Whalen
Over the years, Jen has worked with hundreds of people as an experiential educator and guide, and has developed a loving, intentional style that supports and inspires people to remember their wholeness, cultivate a relationship with their own Inner Guide and live a more DAREful, embodied life. She has a MA in Spiritual Psychology with an emphasis in Consciousness, Health and Healing, and has received extensive training in outdoor education through the National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS). Since 2015 she’s navigated several significant health challenges, and collectively these crucible experiences have invited her into a deep dive apprenticeship with the Nervous System and the multidimensional reality of what it really is to be well at this time. The experiential learning, and subsequent healing, have been a profound experience with embodiment and integration, and heavily influence the way she’s now working with others
Are you ready to experiment with the adventure of your life?
This coaching experience gives you an opportunity to activate this curriculum in your day to day life, and is personalized to meet you exactly where you are.